Friday, March 18, 2011

Bring Back My Binky to Me

Bunky has been a squawking PteranoTone lately.  His chewing teeth(molars) are starting to bust out of his aching gums, so this mama is on hand for some extra sing-alongs and scream-alongs.  I have not yet weaned him from his binky(pacifier) and he still uses it right after his milk and during bedtime.  His teething has finally ruptured his 2 month old binky earlier this evening and since his back up one is stashed somewhere my short term memory is refusing to show me, out came the emergency binky.   

 The happy biter when the top and bottom teeth came out

Have you seen The Simpsons episode(Crook and Ladder) when Homer hopelessly tries to soothe Maggie with replacement binkys when hers gets thrown out?  He couldn't find Maggie's brand and it turned funny ugly.  Well, the toon isn't far from the truth.  Babies and their binkys do have that exclusive bond.  I was lucky Bunky was a bit more forgiving, settling for the emergency binky for the meantime after no less than a rigorous inspection.  He knew it wasn't his old reliable.

NOW it makes sense that these come in a 2-pack.  If only I can remember where I hid the other one. >.<

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful satisfied smile Bunky. Handsome picture & pretty proud of those Pterano Tone teeth (if they have one).
